Welcome to our children's ministry!

Orenco Church provides many opportunities for children to come together to grow in their relationship with God. Children will learn, play, and worship, as they join us every week to hear about God's Word. Our goal is to ignite their interest and excitement as they begin their journey of faith.

Check out our Facebook pages to stay updated about upcoming events.

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Come join us!

  • Sunday mornings

    Children from toddlers to 5th grade are invited to The Club House!  Led by our Children's Ministry Director, Haven, the Club House meets on Sundays at 10:00am.  The children will start out in the sanctuary, worshiping alongside their parents.  We feel it is important they learn to worship and rejoice - and to sing together!  Following the praise songs and announcements, Haven has a special message for the children up front during the service.  Afterwards, they are escorted to The Club House for a mixture of learning, singing, craft or other activity, and to interact with their peers.  If you have any questions, contact us at outreach@orencochurch.org.



               join us summer 2025!

    We dove into friendships with God at our SCUBA themed VBS in 2024 and can't wait for all our friends to return in 2025!  Watch here and on FaceBook for what our next theme will be and the dates.  In the meantime, we hope to see you at BLAST on Tuesday nights - it's very similar to VBS.  See below for more information.  


    Girls of Grace is for tween age girls.  These girls have a blast!  Each month has a different theme and is an opportunity to build friendships with other girls their own age in a fun creative atmosphere.  Contact us for the next event's information.

  • tuesday night blast

    Orenco Church is offering a new free children’s enrichment program called Tuesday Nights Blast.  Blast has a similar design as Vacation Bible School with music, crafts, games, and Bible, but also incorporates STEM activities and discussion.  The themes and activities are all kid based packed with energy and fun.  Dinner too is provided.  To find out more about this FREE program, read below...

    Tuesday Night Blast! Is all about kids! Kids! Kids! Everything we do is design to teach kids Biblical truths and Christian values through a fun and engaging environment filled will upbeat songs, games, crafts, STEM activities and a Bible lesson. The program is very similar to VBS, and each month has a different theme kids can connect with to support spiritual growth. DINNER IS PROVIDED and the cost is FREE! 

    Join us starting September 17th from 6-8pm at Orenco Church.  Begin Creating a dynamite relationship with God. Enroll Today! For more info send an email to jenni@orencochurch.org

  • Special events THROUGHOUT THE YEAR

    Follow us on Facebook for the most current information about special children's events for pre-k to 5th grade, such as:  Trunk-or-Treat, Movie Nights, LOTS of parties, an Easter event, VBS, and fun, fun, fun throughout the year!



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