What is Alpha?

"What began a few years ago for us has now become a central part of our community together. Through Alpha we build relationships with one another, eat great food, catch up on our lives together, and most importantly, ask the questions of our faith. I look forward to Alpha all week!"  

- Jennifer Schatz


What is Alpha? Alpha is an internationally-known program, offered in denominations of every kind, exploring the questions of faith everyone asks, such as "Who is Jesus," and "Is there more to life than this?" Alpha is fun, relaxed and totally non-pressured which is probably why over 19 million people around the world have already done it.


It is a practical introduction to the Christian faith, yet challenges those of us who have been Christians for a long time. Alpha covers topics like faith, healing, God's guidance, prayer, the Church, and much more. All questions are welcome at Alpha; no question is off-limits. And all guests are welcome at Alpha. It is a laid-back environment, a place to eat, relax, and get to know others.

Check out this video to learn more about Alpha:


We just finished a GREAT Alpha course in April.  Watch here for when our next one will be or contact us at alpha@orencochurch.org.

How Does it Work?

Each Alpha course session begins with food, followed by a short talk looking at a different aspect of the Christian faith. After that, there is a time for discussion in a friendly small group.



Please email us to learn more at alpha@orencochurch.org

Orenco Church saw 90 people register for its very first Alpha course in 2010. We continue to offer Alpha--or Youth Alpha--about once a year.  Alpha is free, though we ask for a free-will donation to cover the cost of dinner. Following dinner, we listen to a talk, and then enjoy dessert and conversation around our tables on the topic of the evening.

Youth Alpha!

For students in grades 6 to 12 – youth Alpha is like adult Alpha but the videos, content, and discussions are geared for teens.  There are also games and prizes and lots of laughter.  It’s a great place for teens to connect and safely share their thoughts and questions on life and faith.


Check out this video to learn more about Youth Alpha:



Children's Program!

During Alpha, we also offer a kid’s program, typically for ages PreK though 5th grade. While their parents are in Alpha, kids will have a lesson, do crafts, have a group discussion, and free play.  

Childcare is also available for kids ages 0-3 on Alpha nights. Both these programs are free!

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